A List is a group of phone numbers that have been selected based on rules you define. A short and quick example is to create a List of numbers with anyone in your contacts that start with the letter ‘A’.
As you can see creating a List can be very powerful so your message only reaches the people you are targeting. Here are some other power rules you can utilize:
- Name
- Phone Number
- Date Last Connected (Last time they visited your business)
- Birthday
Here is another example of how Lists can work for you:
Perhaps you want to send a message to only those phone numbers that are not local and were at your place of business between a certain time period. You would set the following rules:
- Mobile number doesn’t begin with 520 (change to your local area code).
- Date Last Connected is greater 2019-05-01 (change to date range you would like)
Getting the message out to your target audience is key to successful marketing. Be creative when creating your lists and setting up rules. Perhaps you can send out a special offer to everyone have a birthday in the current month!