To change your email or password as use the drop down menu found in the upper right. From the you will click on ‘My Settings’ and you can make adjustments from there. Example of drop down menu:
Can I make changes to the Kiosk form?
The Kiosk form has many changes that can be made including the following: What information you would like to capture First Name Last Name Mobile Phone Email You can also define whether a welcome message should be sent. This information may be edited in ‘Manage Kiosk’ -> ‘Kiosk Text Labels’. From here you can edit a number of text fields. … Read More
Can I make changes to the Guest Portal?
The guest portal is the page the is presented to a phone, tablet or computer when the user attempts to connect to the Guest network (i.e. TheGrill-GuestWiFi). This can absolutely be changed and there is a myriad of features that can be adjusted to ensure your guest portal is setup exactly they way you need it. However, for most the … Read More
How do I add an additional site(s)?
To add an additional site to your account simple click on the ‘Purchase Site’ from the dashboard and follow the checkout process. You will need you billing username and password, which is likely different from your SwiftConnect dashboard access. Once checkout is complete your new site when will be present in the upper right drop down menu on your SwiftConnect … Read More
Need a specific feature added?
If you are in need of custom development of a specific feature we may be able to accommodate. Send an an email to with your specific feature request and we will get back to you on the pricing for your custom feature.
Will SwiftConnect™ work well on different devices?
SwiftConnect™ will work well on many different types of devices. The views displayed are responsive to the screen resolution. Display will work well on all common screen sizes.
Your secret token is not valid?
If you or one of your users receive the error ‘Your secret token is not valid’ when attempting to setup a new password or change an existing password the solution is simple. Here is an image of the error: There are two reasons for this error:
What UniFi® controller information do I need?
Let’s go through an example of what each field needs to contain when adding a new site to SwiftConnect℠:
What is a MAC address?
Media Access Control address (MAC address) is the unique identifier of a network adapter. The MAC address is a 6-digit hexadecimal number, which is normally written as a twelve character alphanumeric string with a colon (:) or other separating character after every second character: Example of a MAC address: 00:00:00:a1:2b:cc If you computer has more than one network adapter (for … Read More