Multiple User Access
Setting Up Sub-Accounts for Other Users.
SwiftConnect’s sub-account feature lets you assign additional users to your account. It’s quite simple, really—under Manage Users, you’ll find a all the current accounts.
There are different type of accounts:
- Admin (this is your default account and can’t be changed)
- Kiosk
- Marketing
The kiosk account is intended to be used on a tablet. These tablets are sometimes mounted permanently in a public location like the hostess station or the bar. This account when logged in will display the Kiosk Form.
If you would like to learn more about the Kiosk Form visit our support section of click the Kiosk Form link above.
The marketing account is intended to be used by an individual that does not need access to any SwiftConnect administrator features except the ability to send and receive text messages.
Marketing account users will be allowed to:
- Read All Messages
- Compose New Messages
- Create Lists
- Edit and Add Contacts
- Create Keywords

You may see a couple other types of account that you can create: front desk and device management. Those are not needed in most deployments.
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