navy eval late submission letter example

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Involved in all facets of junior Sailor's professional development resulting in 1 advancement, two JSOQ, one SSOQ, one SSOY and three Command Duty Officer qualifications. Ready NOW to assume positions of increased responsibility. A military letter of recommendation increases the likelihood of acceptance when applying for a particular position, promotion, special program, military school/academy, or to request an award/medal that a person feels they deserve but was not awarded upon discharge. **PLEASE NOTE: If report is in an UPLOADED status for over 7 working days, please contactMNCC Customer Service for assistance at 1-833-330-MNCC (1-833-330-6622). GSA Sailors should report to a new command after the completion of their deployment. -COMMUNITY INVOLVED. **#1 EP IN A COMMAND OF 34 HIGHLY COMPETITIVE FCPOs! VFA-2'S SAILOR OF THE YEAR! -EXCELLENT PERFORMER. PO2 precisely managed XXXXX equipment sustainment operations and oversight of maintenance for 28 pieces of light and heavy machinery which maintained a 100% mission availability rate. The application will require data to easily prepare the field . There is a quick and effective way to improve your Navy evaluations. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - PRIVACY SENSITIVE 1610 560790129 22 Apr 17 From: IT1(IDW) John L. Doe USNR XXX-XX-XXXX To: Commander, Navy Personnel Command (PERS-32) Subj: STATEMENT IN LIEU OF A MISSING REPORT FOR THE PERIOD YYMMMDD - YYMMMDD Ref: (a) BUPERSINST 1610.10D 1. $40,376. Provided keen mentorship to 18 Sailors, resulting in 2 S/JOQ, 1 JSOY, 3 MTS qualifications and a marked increase in standards. Developed a professional training plan for eight work center personnel resulting in the qualification of five Full System QAR's, two CDQAR's, two Entry Authority and nine CDIs. 1 JAN 18 Reporting Seniors can verify the status of reports on BUPERS Online (BOL). I failed to submit it on time because (mention the reason). Completed reports by recording observations, occurrences, and surveillance activities. What is the Reporting Senior's Cumulative Average? ***, *** MY NUMBER X OF XX HIGHLY COMPETITIVE FDNF FIRST CLASS PETTY OFFICERS! The same guidelines will apply when using Block 21 "INDIV AUG" for both graded reports and NOB reports. Both the Individual Continuity Report and the Reporting Senior's Submission Report will show the report status. - Superior Leader and Mentor. Mail summary letter with report(s) to: COMMANDER NAVY PERSONNEL COMMAND Currently, EMPRS cannot electronically track correspondence associated with the evaluation system such as extension letters and administrative changes. Whenwould an IA Sailor receive a Not Observed Report (NOB)? When would NPC change a promotion recommendation? -LOGISTICS EXPERT. 13. Millington, TN 38055-3201. Include the date and description of what you did. Supervised the submission of 39 feedback reports, 4K maintenance actions, 2K equipment validations, and 2K . -EXCEPTIONAL MANAGER! -COMMUNITY INVOLVED. The performance marks were 3.8, 3.8, and 4. . Manually enter the Physical Fitness Assessment (PFA) codes in block 20 and block 21. Although the format mentioned above gives you an idea about the structure of the document submission letter, taking a look at the samples will help you to write a perfect letter. Sailor 360 and FCPOA. SUBJECT: Letter of Continuity, SSG Mark Welch. Petty Officer Dunn has DRASTICALLY improved divisional technical competency, dedicating xx hours to training on PMS procedural compliance, corrective procedures, and QA. Volunteered 120 hours as a Youth Football and Basketball coach; tutored 25 adolescents in personal development which made a huge impact while fostering a positive rapport in the community as a Navy Ambassador. Petty Officer Picquet is part of the Command Focus Group to aid in hearing the needs and concerns of all sailors to make the unit stronger. *** MY # of # TALENTED FIRST CLASS PETTY OFFICERS *** - PROACTIVE LEADER. HM2 Gardner led 4 Sailors in the oversight of 157 Marines during 3 live fire ranges, day/night patrol and two unit hikes across a large geographical area. Led 22 Sailors in the execution of 7000 CSMP jobs for 14 FDNF ships Submitted upon member's transfer to PCU Portland (LPD-27). Led 5 Course Supervisors and 26 instructors graduating 526 students in the delivery of 19,488 hours of instruction with a 92% schoolhouse GPA across 5 courses of instruction. Thanks! He leads the team that updates an electronic tracker ensuring all Marines and Sailors on Isolation orders due to COVID-19 are properly recorded and current. An extension letter cannot exceed 3 months in duration and cannot extend the reporting period beyond 15 months. Under EN1's guidance as the N7 LPO and Schools Coordinator, the training department processed 88 core Maritime Expeditionary Security Force(MESF) school and AT requests. MASTER TECHNICIAN. SSG Welch is an exceptional NCO and capable leader. Hosted by Defense Media Activity - With online access to RSCA, reporting seniors canmanage their averages and project the impact of futurepending performance evaluations on their average. His dedication to excellence and tireless work ethic with 19 off-duty hours for 15 advancement course to 13 sailors has made him a resourceful professional that resulted in two sailors being promoted. Respected Sir, I am writing to express my utmost sorrow for having submitted the project many days after the deadline. OUTSTANDING INITIATIVE. I have taken action to make sure that I will uphold my future deadlines, so this will not . HE HAS MY STRONGEST RECOMMENDATION FOR PROMOTION OR ANY PATH LEADING TO A COMMISSION! 3. SUPERB LEADER. Historically, reporting seniors failed to correct approximately 20% of the rejected performance evaluations within 180 days of receiving notification. -EXPERT INSTRUCTOR. The regular reporting senior must place an X in block 17. ***A SUSTAINED SUPERIOR PERFORMER WHO CONSISTENTLY PRODUCES IMPECCABLE RESULTS! When submitting missing performance evaluation(s) directly to PERS-32, mail a copy to the following address: Commander *** (Helpful website: - Devoted mentor. Ensure that the Summary Letter includes the following typed or handwritten entries: Ensure your admin personnel make command file copies of reports prior to mailing them to PERS-32. 46. PERS-32 uses the Electronic Military Personnel Records System (EMPRS) Module to support the Navy's Evaluation System. 22. Complete: Report updated to PSR and permanent record. The member is detailed to an IA assignment using Permanent Change of Station (PCS) Orders and placed on TDY orders for the GSA assignment. To help make your Eval as effective as possible, below are instructions, phrases, examples, and other guidance. He volunteered 60 off-duty hours at the Whidbey Island Ebey Academy Child Care Center, assisting with the set up and cleaning of the child care center. Under unique circumstances, a reporting senior can submit a NOB report for any period if the reporting senior does not feel that there has been enough observation to grade with confidence. Additionally, she/he provided courthouse security during a court martial ensuring the safety of all attendees and enforcement of force protection measures. He is an extremely vital part of 800 Division's success. -SELF STARTER. -DYNAMIC LEADER. Expertly managed 7 Sailors regarding the maintenance and training on Oil Spill Response (OSR) craft, Harbor Security Boats (HSB) and ancillary equipment crucial to delivering Fully Mission Capable equipment to support OSR and AT/FP readiness as well as qualifying six Sailors in key watch stations providing 22 incident free ship movements. Her efforts were represented in COWPENS awarded Naval Base San Diego's (NBSD) most productive SAPR command in 2018. STS2 Mason lead a shop of 30 Sailors and advised 4 Team Leaders as the shop technical expert on repair and maintenance matters. **MY #2 OF 67 DEPARTMENTALLY AND #3 OF 311 FIERCELY COMPETITIVE FCPOS IN THE COMMAND! Do not submit an administrative change to correct a report that is in a REJECTED or UNPROCESSED status. PERFORMED FLAWLESSLY IN A 6 MONTH GAPPED AWOC BILLET-MATCH UNIFORM TO PERFORMANCE! - GOAL ORIENTED. - COMMAND ENGAGED. *** PERFORMANCE IDENTICAL TO MY TOP FIRST CLASSES NOW! IMPARTING KNOWLEDGE ACROSS ALL PAY GRADES- SELECT TO CPO. 20. -TEAM PLAYER - E-5 eval facilitator for board that ranked 31 evals. During testing, Fleet users did not lose any information (databases, reports) that was created by Version 28. *** Her superior troubleshooting abilities were critical in the repairs of aircraft elevator NR. Submit an administrative change which corrects entries: Blocks 1-19, 21-27 and Block 44 for FITREP. The RSCA is displayed on a member's Performance SummaryRecord (PSR) for the reporting period indicated. Acts in the manner of a seasoned Chief Petty Officer! ***MY #3 of 24 HIGHLY COMPETITIVE 3RD CLASS PETTY OFFICERS!***. Blocks 10-13: Periodic c. Blocks 14-15 . DEDICATED MENTOR. Vital to the success of all coalition forces within the COMFIFTHFLT AOR, she led a team of three analysts in the validation of over 2,100 flight hours and 220 weapons employments, developed 100 weapon system videos, and produced 960 time sensitive reports and 96 intelligence summaries in support of Operation INHERENT RESOLVE. CocoDoc makes it very easy to edit your form just in your . The report may also be corrected by whiting out or taping over the error, then initialing by the original Reporting Senior and forwarding to PERS-32. Throughout the year, as you do things of significance, write it in your brag sheet. What actions should I take if NMCI has not updated my NAVFIT98A program by 01 August 2010? VP of the FCPOA, coordinated 10 fundraising events raising $2k. - DEDICATED TO NAVY's CORE VALUES. . This does not preclude "soft rankings" in the COMMENTS ON PERFORMANCE section of the performance report. - Incomplete summary lines: block 43 for FITREP and block 46 for EVAL must have an entry in each block, even if 0, i.e., 0/0/0/0/1. His expertise and active engagement to facilitate GMTs for 52 sailors increased training readiness by 58.7% in a short one month period. Continuously stayed in contact with the 15 personnel he sponsored as their CIAC while they were mobilized. These rules include the following: No mandated or prohibitedtrait mark required in"Military Bearing"/"Professionalism" for promotability, and/or. While not an all-inclusive definition, NAVPERSCOM will consider a report adverse if it contains any of the following: - A promotion recommendation mark of "Significant Problems", - Command or Organizational Climate/Equal Opportunity trait graded below 3.0, - Shows a strong decline in performance within the same pay grade under the same reporting senior, - Contains comments indicating serious weakness, incapacity, or lack of qualifications for promotion or assignment. To correct an error to block 15 (report ending date), submit an administrative change per. ***PLACE HER IN KHAKIS NOW***, -DECKPLATE LEADER. Promotion recommendation quota exceeds maximum limit. ***AN INVALUABLE ASSET, HE HAS MY STRONGEST RECOMMENDATION FOR SELECTION TO CPO***, **MY X OF XX VERY COMPETITIVE FCPOs ALREADY PERFORMING AS A CHIEF PETTY OFFICER** 14. ** GAPPED AN ETCS & ETC BILLET! ***SHE HAS EARNED MY STRONGEST RECOMMENDATION FOR ALL PROGRAMS LEADING TO A COMMISSION.***. **, ***My #X of XX HIGHLY MOTIVATED FIRST CLASS PETTY OFFICERS! SHE HAS EARNED MY STRONGEST RECOMMENDATION FOR SECOND CLASS PETTY OFFICER!!! Below are two Example letters to assist you with this process: 1. Actively involved in the development of Sailors providing sage advice and up-to-date information on a myriad of retention related subjects to enhance their personal and professional growth. No, this policy change applies to Sailors who are under Individual Augmentation Manpower Management (IAMM), Global Support Assignment (GSA), or OCO Support Assignment (OSA) orders. Here is guidance on how to write effective letters to a board. He transferred in sailors and placed them back with their units after mobilization. ADT: 22-25MAR2018, FIGMEDEX, Ft. Indian Gap, PA Platoon LPO, managed 19 Sailors and facilitated 9-line medeval training to 80 sailors. Petty Officer Olivencia constantly invigorates subordinates to perform all missions at the absolute limit of their abilities. As power shop's calibration petty officer, she meticulously planned and would not miss any maintenance on the 13 week report. ** The regular reporting senior will sign and return the original report to the concurrent reporting senior for submission. To find out the version perform the following steps: As the OPTAR manage, he accounted for $7.1M of 7B funds and ensured the submission of five monthly BORs with ZERO discrepancies. Verify authenticity and navy eval submission letter example letters of all published policies. - EXEPTIONAL WORK ETHIC. Coordinated training for 56 Sailors resulting in zero incidents and increased command awareness at Regiment and Battalion level. Other exceptions require prior approval from CHNAVPERS (PERS-32). Revamped a dormant CPO 365 program. As Departmental Career Counselor, responsible for 12 CDB s, 1 re-enlistments, 1 advancement and 16 college classes completed across 28 Sailors. Trait averages for performanceevaluations received late will be applied to the nextscheduled monthly RSCA update. During OPERATION NORTHERN EDGE 2021, expertly led 21 Sailors in the installation of 2 LCAC BAAS Kits and completion of 2 hourly maintenance packages encompassing 300 situational PMS checks with 0 discrepancies. - MISSION DRIVEN. Six months late is really unsat. The concurrent reporting senior will forward the original report(s) to the regular reporting senior for countersignature. -TECHNICAL EXPERT. 100% committed to CPO 365 and FCPOA; proactive and injects new ideas to improve core dynamics. Oversees all taskers, medical coverages, field evolution support, safety corpsmen evolutions and medical stand-downs. Fully qualified in her/his duties; logged over 1,280 law enforcement and physical security hours of force protection for 3,500 civilians/military enterprise personnel. Organized and supervised the transition for the Joint Mission Planning System from H8 to H10+ software, she installed 72 required updates and troubleshot countless system issues for 6 mission critical assets. The concurrent reporting senior's cumulative average is adjusted upon acceptance of the Concurrent or Concurrent/Regular report. - EXPERT TRAINER. **** Number X of X Second Class Petty Officers **** Do concurrent evaluations count towards my PMA for advancement? To determine the status of a report, log on to BOL, click the FITREP/EVALReports icon. Her initiative led to a departmental makeover of booming and ship evolutions, which increased productivity and ensured zero mishaps. If you are missing a report in your field service record or your personal files, you may request a copy per MILPERSMAN 1070150. ***THE NAVY NEEDS THIS PHENOMENAL LEADER IN KHAKIS NOW! FY-11 MASTER AND SENIOR CHIEF PETTY OFFICER SELECTION BOARD PROCESS By: STGCS (SW/AW) Charles Eakley Approved by: NPC While fulfilling an O-3 position as Public Affairs Officer, he interviewed 11 Sailors and authored 7 news stories directly enhancing media outreach for the command. She personally trained and qualified six new coxswains, two 15-Ton drivers, and two Dockmasters increasing departmental readiness and flexibility. He Pulled a family of 6 out of their vehicle before it was washed away by flood waters. As Departmental Training Coordinator, oversaw the qualification of 5 PQS across 28 Sailors while leading one Sailor in the tracking and regional reporting requirements for Oil Spill Response readiness. pass-rate of XX% for cycle CY2021. Leadership fostered two MUST PUT ON ANCHORS NOW!!! Are there any compatibility issues between NAVFIT98A versions? When submitting missing performance evaluation(s) directly to PERS 32 mail a copy to the following address: Two JSOQs and one BJOQ selected, two advancements, three NAM's, 2 MOVSM's, two FLOC's and 42 college credits earned by her Sailors. -TRUSTED MANAGER. NAVPERS 1616/26 Evaluation/Counseling Record (E1-E6). The original reporting senior, the member or the members present command can submit administrative changes. X in block 20 and block 44 for FITREP, 1 re-enlistments 1. Edit your form just in your field service record or your personal files, you may request copy... The member or the navy eval late submission letter example present command can submit administrative changes record or your personal files, may! Way to improve core dynamics, 3.8, 3.8, and other guidance Navy NEEDS PHENOMENAL. Senior 's cumulative average is adjusted upon acceptance of the performance marks were 3.8, and surveillance activities there a... 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navy eval late submission letter example